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1, the terms of purpose:
 Fast, efficient, fair and equitable handling of consumer quality complaints, good after-sales service, to protect the interests of consumers.

 2, the implementation of principles:
 (1) dealer agreement in its operating area, take the quality of handling complaints after installation the responsibility of all consumers.
 (2) When the dealer and its affiliated stores did not make the quality and timely handling of consumer complaints can be taken on behalf of lower-level processing does not handle the higher level, but the treatment cost borne entirely by the lower way of processing.

 3, Distributor / store the quality of complaints handling procedures:
 (1) consumers to store / dealer complaints about the quality, the stores / distributors and consumers agreed processing time. Store / dealer sent home treatment, such as the quality of the floor indeed cause or installation quality problems should be handled immediately resolved; in the case of improper use, should be patient persuasion, and to help resolve; such as unexplained, the other of about dealing with consumers should be Time and immediately notify the company to apply for re-identification.
 (2) consumer complaints in more than 7 working days have not been processed, 800 directly to the company a second complaint free service.
 (3) the company will be based on a dealer number of complaints lodged by consumers and generate the second secondary reason for the complaint, the constraints of the dealer to take certain measures.

Coryright 2010 JiaPaiMuYe., Ltd. Guangdong All rights reserved Technical Support:YOURQI[YOURQI] Phone:0757-85752089
Fax:0757-85787269 Address:Guangdong Foshan Nanhai Yanbu Home Decoration materials market, A,Block I, Shop 05-06